by Dr. Margaret Lucy Tyler


MANY drugs have produced the symptoms of, and can therefore cure the common cold : but alas ! only the one that has evoked the exact conditions of the individual patient will CURE that patient : i.e. not merely palliate while he recovers, but CURE. Why ? Because there is Law behind cure ; and if we desire to evoke Power, we must conform to its conditions. The only known Law of Healing is Hahnemann’s, similia similibus curentur. In acute work, if you can get exact correspondence between the symptoms of the patient and the symptoms evoked in healthy persons by some drug, it is a mathematical certainty that you will cure –because of the Law of Similars. If you do not get the correspondence it is equally certain that you will NOT cure –because of the Law of Similars. Law does not fail. It is we who fail in our attempts to put it in action. We may do bad work and call it Homœopathy, discrediting it in the patient’s eyes and in our own : only it did not happen to be Homœopathy ! When an aeroplane crashes no one says, “The laws of gravitation -motion-physics- have failed in this case !” -the fault is sought in faulty adaptation : Law is inexorable. At times the question of an epidemic has to be reckoned with, Hahnemann says that by taking the symptoms of a number of cases you can select a drug that covers the lot, and cure, practically, every case of THAT epidemic. We have all found that the medicine that was so widely curative one year, was useless the next. One has often heard, “This is a Bryonia year !” “Mercurius is curing all the colds just now…” Then, wind and weather change, and another set of remedies for another set of patients crops up. If the blighting influence that bowled over people of a certain temperament was a cold, dry, East wind, such drugs as AconiteBryoniaHeparNux will suggest themselves. Whereas a sudden cold wet spell would play havoc with the people who cannot stand cold wet conditions, and here DulcamaraNatrum sulph., or Rhus would come up for consideration. Why is it that good prescribers will find that they are suddenly getting quite a number of Lycopodium cases ? It is not that they are framing their questions to lead up to that drug, but because conditions -perhaps social -economic- or even meteoric are putting a severe strain on persons of the Lycopodium make-up. Among the remedies of the Common Cold, then, some suit the illness brought on by dry cold, some by damp, cold, some even by warm wet. The affected mucous membranes may be dry -or they may pour. Relief may come in cold, open air, or there may be utter intolerance of cold air, of open air, of draughts, of uncovering, and so on. Without precision, results are poor.

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The remedies are put up as medicated granules, their most convenient form of carrying, and for keeping in condition. A DOSE consists of half a dozen granules-less or more. It may be given dry on the tongue, to be dissolved before swallowing. Or, when quick effect is wanted in acute conditions, dissolve half a dozen granules in half a tumbler of water, stir, administer in doses of a desertspoonful six hours apart, or in very urgent condi tions, every hour, or half hour for a few doses, till reaction sets in, then stop, so long as improvement is maintained CAMPHOR ANTIDOTES MOST OF THE MEDICINES So the camphor bottle must be kept away from the medicine chest. POTENCIES. -The best potencies for initial experiments in Homœopathy are the 12th and the 30th.