By C. M. Boger, M.D.

Loss of continuity permeates the mental as well as physical processes of almost every Arnica condition. Ideation is irregular, being subject to interruption; the power of the motor nerves is often abolished or they act only in part. The results that imperfect or slow answers, followed quickly by stupor and involuntary evacuations, are much in evidence; other symptoms like those seen after injuries, concussions, apoplexies, fevers, etc. soon appear.

The sensory nerves do not generally suffer so severely, for there is much bruised soreness more referable to their distribution to the upper limbs, feet and toes, the very parts most liable to injury. All through the remedy evidences of loss of power or function run side by side. With acute sensitiveness or soreness; this you must remember.

In the spinal irritability, caused by accident, or due to the constant vibration and jar of railway travel often seen in engineers and trainmen, it is the first remedy to be thought of, particularly if. Along with many reflex symptoms, there is a feeling of a lump in the back. We may find the sensation of a lump occurring in other parts notably the brain, which feels as if rolled up into a lump, or the epigastrium.

Its effect upon the nervous system may be deep enough to simulate paralytic phenomena, as shown by the involuntary stools. Paralysis of the lower jaw, noisy swallowing, inability to expectorate the loosened phlegm, which must be swallowed; a feeling as if the right side were heavy, hanging down and paralyzed. And pains which seem to paralyze the parts, etc. Hemiplegia (right) with dark. Blue spots on the skin haemorrhages or involuntary stools.

Many injuries are accompanied by extravasations and even haemorrhages, particularly in persons having an active capillary circulation. By virtue of its double effect upon the blood and its containers Arnica causes technical spots and an erysipelatous eruption closely resembling traumatic erysipelas, meeting the indications which it presents most effectually. In traumatic or post operative erysipelas it is the remedy above all others Vesicular crysipelas spreading wherever the fluid from the blisters runs.

There is much evidence of its power to absorb extravasations of blood. Blear eyes and subconjunctival haemorrhages are prominent examples of this.

Arnica gradually disorganizes the blood finally causing effects very similar to those seen in low types of Zymotic, septic or trauvery similar to those seen in low types of zymotic, septic or traupanied by heat of the head and a bad odor from the mouth. The heat is often partial or comes is repeated short attacks, and with it there are pains in the muscles, swelling of the evens of the hands. Sour vomiting. Backache, prostration and mental indifference. If the fever becomes continuous, the latter soon passes into stupor from which the patient can only be temporarily aroused, a red stripe appears along the center of the tongue, bruise-like spots are seen on the skin and haemorrhage from some organ may occur. If it takes the form of nose-bleed, the blood is dark and fluid; from the lungs it is frothy. The stool is apt to be involuntary, and sometimes consists of brown froth. There may be a bloody vomit or blood in the urine.

Under its influence there is a tendency to boils, which are either very sore or fail to mature. There are also excoriations, ulcers and nondescript eruptions all marked by extreme pain fullness and crawling itching sensations which change place when scratched.

Gout of the big toe with redness and constant fear of being touched or approached. This fear of being approached or touched is caused by the bruised soreness from which the patient suffers; he doesn’t want any one near him for fear of being hurt. It causes the bed to feel too hard, and may be general or local, but we naturally find it more pronounced externally. When it is more sensible internally camphor and Pulsatilla outrank Arnica. Because of their stimulating effects there is a desire for sour things and whiskey, but the torpidity of the digestive canal gives rise to indigestion and the generation of much foul gas, sometimes having the odor of bad eggs. An objective bad odor from the mouth, as well as a subjective bad or putrid taste, is very common. In general, it is a remedy of foul odors. Which are mostly due to decomposition.

Early in his sickness the Arnica patient is stubborn, resists treatment and is easily irritated, but later, by falling asleep while talking. or replying to questions, and at once relapsing into a stupor. He shows a certain mental incapacity which borders closely on paralysis. In spite of this, the intellectual faculties never entirely lose the impressionability so distinctive of this drug.

The aggravations occur in the evening. And correspond to the times of greatest fatigue. Injuries, concussions, contusions blows, sprains and external violence stand in a causative relationship; therefore they take the first rank.

Echinacea, closely related botanically and pathogenetically, gets much credit lately where Arnica would answer every needful purpose.

Sulphuric acid is complementary often finishing the work begun by Arnica.


     Fullness, soreness and bleeding is a syndrome which should call your attention to Hamamelis. The sense of overfullness is caused by venous engorgement, the soreness is due to irritation, and the bleeding is of the dark, passive sort, which shows that veins have relaxed and lost their tone.

Haemorrhage somewhere or from some part is part and parcel of the Hamamelis state; the blood may come from the nose, throat, stomach, lungs, intestinal tract, piles or elsewhere. But it nearly always flows passively and is not coagulable. Retained haemorrhages, forming extravasations and effusions, are very amenable to its action. There is little or no evidence of its power to alter the composition of the blood, such as we see causing the ecchymoses of Arnica.

With this knowledge you should be quite prepared to see it relieve and cure varicose veins, for it justly holds the first rank among remedies for this purpose: when it does not seem quite sufficient to complete the cure, Fluoric acid will usually do so. Phlebitis, especially of traumatic origin. When the veins seem ready to burst (Vipera) and the parts are exquisitely tender.

It is especially suited to those venous constitutions in which the congestion of blood to some part causes a sense of overfullness, only relieved by bleeding (Melilotus). Sometimes the loss of blood prostrates out of all proportion to its quantity.

It has a special affinity for the glandular parts of the generative organs. The ovaries and testes: they become sensitive and are the seat of the bruised sore pains common in orchitis and Novartis.

Hamamelis has a peculiar sweat which is worth remembering, in that it is very profuse, and only affects the parts which are covered with hair, the scalp and genitals. Especially the scrotum.

Witch hazel belongs to the hydrogenoid group of remedies and is, therefore. Worse from dampness. Particularly from warm, moist air.

The cardinal point to remember is that it combines a bruised woreness. With a tendency to varicoses and haemorrhages.

It should be compared with Pulsatilla, Arnica, Sulphuric acid and Hypericum.

Predominant Conditions.

                         Arnica                                                   Hamamelis

Injuries or toxaemias with consequent                    Glands.

Innervation, paralysis, etc.                                         Varicoses.

Bleedings.                                                                      Bleedings of dark, non-                      

                                                                                        coagulable blood, often   

                                                                                        giving a sense of relief.

Bruised soreness. Parkersburg, Va.                          Fulness: bursting sensations.