This was the title of a paper by Dr. C.D. Crank.

“Coryza in the infant is often regarded as a simple affair, and by neglect a hyperaemia of the parts is established, which, if not immediately troublesome or serious, may lay the foundations for chronic conditions with their train of aggravations.

“Natrum mur. Is one of the most frequently indicated remedies. It is called for when coryza is super induced by gastric derangements. There is usually a good appetite, but faulty digestion and assimilation; a rapid loss of flesh mostly observed about the neck; a copious nasal flow coming on in paroxysms aggravated by exposure to the air; ‘the child is forever taking cold.’

“Sambucus. Attacks of coryza from birth; child always sniffling, with occasional acute attack; marked prostration; attacks of suffocation; spasms of glottis; coryza brought on from exposure to strong lights or from sudden change of temperature.

“Borax is to be considered when coryza appears during damp and rainy weather; child extremely nervous and irritable, starts and jumps in its sleep and from the least noise. With this remedy we frequently find other mucous outlets involved. The child screams before urinating; leucorrhoeal discharge; here, too, we find evidences of malnutrition; ‘the child don’t seem to grow.’

“Arsenicum and Sulphur are always to be thought of in this affection.”