The experiments of Dr. Moore regarding Morphine and its antidote, Permanganate of potassa, induced me to try a few experiments in this line.

I dissolved one grain of Morphine and one and one-third grains of Permanganate of Potassa, each separately, in one ounce of water. On mixing the two solutions a liquid like coffee was at once formed, which had not the faintest taste of either constituent. It was nearly without taste. This change of color and taste was a proof that the two liquids completely neutralized each other and formed an entirely different body.

I will state here that one grain of Morphine imparts quite a bitter taste to two ounces of water.

Filtering the above-mentioned dark liquid gave a dark brown sediment and a wine colored liquid, which did not react with Ferric chloride as Morphine does.

Next I made the same experiment with the IX trituration of Codeine (I had none in substance). On mixing the two liquids a medium brown fluid with no sediment was obtained, which had a faint bitter taste.

In mixing a solution of Atropine, another of Strychnine, and another of Cocaine, each separately, with a solution of Permanganate of potassa, the latter chemical did not become decomposed in any of the three mixtures, but kept its original purple color and all three mixtures tasted distinctly of their respective constituents, consequently did not form new and different bodies, but remained mere mixtures.                                                E.G. OEHME, M.D.