The pulsatilla nigricans was introduced into medicine by the celebrated Baron Stoerck, and proven by Hahnemann. It helps the function of parturition, regulates irregular menstrual flow and promotes the secretion of milk. These led me to apply the mother tincture of the plant externally in lotion as compress on an abscess on the biceps of the right arm. Of a female in February, 1901. The abscess was ripened and finally burst to discharge the would have failed to open. Since that time it is being used on all forms of external growths by me and by my followers with an equal success.

      Mrs. M.E. Mosshin came to me on Aug. 16th, 1904, for the treatment of a sixteen years’ tumor on the back, between the scapula and the spine. The tumor measured two inches in diameter and one and one-half inches in height.

Prescription – Puls. ɵ m. XV with an ounce of water to be applied as compress over the tumor day and night. Gradually the skin became thinner and a few painful bright red eruptions appeared on the tumor. These burst and joined to form a deep and wide aperture through which the matter discharged.

     The same lotion was continued and the wound was healed up after leveling the tumor. Within a course of a month’s treatment everything was cleared up. To facilitate the action of Puls. ɵ, I do now and then administer a few doses of Hepar sulph. Internally.

In fine, I cannot but declare that the Pulsatilla ɵ, when applied externally, acts better than a surgeon’s scalpel.

In fine, I cannot but declare that the Pulsatilla ɵ, when applied externally, acts better than a surgeon’s scalpel.

So to add to 1, 53 symptoms of Puls., a hundred of which are Hahnemann’s own, the remainder being supplied by five proves and a few authors, I do entreat my brother practitioners to try this new property of it and if they think it proper to communicate their observations to me or to you for publication.

In my next I will be glad to communicate to you the new property of Lycopodium found out by me.                                                  A.C. MUKHRJEE, H.P.